BIRTH OF THE DRAGON All Clips & Trailer (2017) Bruce Lee Movie【DaiGoまとめ】

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「BIRTH OF THE DRAGON All Clips & Trailer (2017) Bruce Lee Movie【DaiGoまとめ】」への33件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Is chuckie chan in this Movie?

  2. より:

    I've said it before and will say it again… Bruce deserves so much better.

  3. より:

    Is that Jim Carey from Dumb and Dumber? Couldn't see the blacked out tooth…… Fucking disgrace. 1 Billion Chinese with a huge number who could act and know wing chun and Hollywood think none of them are up to an authentic acting role. Typical Hollywood racist pricks. So cheezy.

  4. より:

    Any1 fancy learning 4dragons at tingtongs place

  5. より:

    that guy got something special God given talent

  6. より:

    I'm a long time fan of Wong Man, or the very least, appreciated a lot the previous portraits in lixiaolong related footage…
    I find traditional wushu styles the peak of art in martial arts… The beautiful mesh of northern shaolin and internal arts is unrivaled on-screen, and the success of people like jet li or donnie yen is the very proof. Looking forward to see this film and see how the martial coreography measures up to things like legend of bruce lee & whatnot.

  7. より:

    I think they need to let Bruce Lee rest… if they want to make a movie about a "PROVEN" Martial Arts legend that still lives today, they should make a movie about the life of Benny "The Jet" Urquidez the undefeated Kick Boxing champion of the world, and some say the real father of MMA, that fought any where and any one, in any style and never lost… hell, The Jet even beat TWO Japanese champions on the SAME night in Japan. THAT is more deserving of a new Martial Arts movie than anything that has been made so far. Ask anyone in the Martial Arts world that's someone, and they will tell you… Benny "The Jet" is still to this day the greatest Martial Artists to ever live.

  8. より:

    SPOILERS: White guy, yellow fever, also Bruce Lee is in it.

  9. より:

    wong jak man is hong kong martial art guy; not mainland china monk; lie again? mainland investment? no good!

  10. より:

    I went homeless back in 2007 I saw,felt in heard the powers for about 20 to 25 minutes until I went to sleep in a homeless shelter I was the dangerous men on the planet but let me tell y'all bout them powers you is listening to karate music your vision is blue like night vision

  11. より:

    Best actor I've seen play Bruce lee is Danny chan kwok-Kwan, I've not seen this film yet cant find it in uk. But from what I've seen in trailers I will take it with a pinch of salt.

  12. より:

    Find it hilarious how people are giving so much crap to this movie saying "Oh Bruce Lee never acted like a smartass cocky douche!" Funny thing though, Bruce stated he would often get cocky when fighting in real life, it was part of his character, so in reality this movie somewhat portrays Bruce Lee for who he was in real life.

  13. より:

    Jajajajajajajajajaha jajajajajajajajajaha jajajajajajajajajaha

  14. より:

    This movie is TOTAL BULLSHIT.

  15. より:

    Even in a Bruce Lee movie, the white guy gets the girl. Talk about brain washing.

  16. より:

    where can i see this? i can't find the movie anywhere

  17. より:

    Spoiler, none of the fights looks like Bruce Lee fighting.

  18. より:

    Typical Hollywood – Pure fiction…..They have taken the story of the fight with Taki Kimura & developed it into this unbelievable rubbish…..Taki had his own Dojo nearby & did not like Bruce,new to the area teaching….He did challenge Bruce in his school & the fight was there & then – A circle was made & who got their opponent out of the circle won…..Taki was beaten within 10 seconds & the teacher became a pupil of Bruce & also his best friend in life……A paul bearer at his funeral. This is the real story – but a 10 second fight into a Hollywood movie ? & they don't do Bruce's memory any favours making him arrogant……He had a temper, but never arrogant……Self assertive & knowledgeable yes……The only arrogance is the making of this movie & putting Bruce Lees name to it………..[ Read his wife's biography for the truth ]

  19. より:

    If you like this movie your a new kid.

  20. より:

    why are they still trying to make money off the dead? Let the BEST of the best rest. R.I.P Bruce Lee/Brandon Lee

  21. より:

    I liked this movie better than I had expected. It's a nice piece of historical fiction. The the various accounts by eyewitnesses to the showdown between Bruce Lee and Wong Jack Man are very conflicting so we'll never know what happened exactly. However, even if Bruce Lee lost that fight, fans can take comfort in the fact that while the Wong Jack Man was probably at the peak of his development as a martial artist while Bruce Lee was only 24 at the time and had not yet created his devastating system nor yet reached the peak of his physical conditioning. Lee may well have been the greatest Wing Chun street practitioner ever, but Wing Chun has its limits, especially when compared to Jeet Kune Do. For example, Lee was very scientific but in 1964, he had not yet taken up the study of boxing (boxing provides the most devastating hand arsenal–so much so that traditional Muay Thai had to adopt boxing techniques in recent decades in order to stay relevant and dominant in competitions).

    One of my beefs with the film's authenticity even from the standpoint of historical fiction is that almost all the Chinese dialog was in Mandarin. In Bay Area Chinatowns of the 1960s (and well beyond), the dominant dialect would have been Cantonese, and this would have been especially true for organized crime figures. It is also doubtful that Wong Jack Man acted from motives as pure as in the movie plot given known facts; however, the movie portrayal does advance the philosophical points.

  22. より:

    This movie suck really bad. Kung fu crap. Guy that play Bruce Lee does even come close to real Bruce lee. Cheesy line and Bruce doesn't act that way. Big joke, just make money off Bruce Lee name. Very insulting on Bruce Lee.

  23. より:

    Lol couldnt find someone chinese to play the role of bruce.. btw bruce less wasnt a cocky asshole in his movies

  24. より:

    As many things as I dont like about this moviem, I gotta see it because … It has the name Bruce Lee in it.

  25. より:

    Looks like a cheap attempt to cash -in on Bruce lee.

  26. より:

    Bruce Lee was not arrogant…

  27. より:

    spoilers: I generic white dude called Steve is the main character.

  28. より:

    I grew up watching Bruce Lee and I have to say that these fight scenes look a little wank to be fair.
    Enter the Dragon obviously is still the best followed by the one in the 90s, Dragon:The Bruce Lee story was also good.

  29. より:

    I saw the movie with some of my martial arts partners and unfortunately Bruce Lee is basically a supporting character rather than the main character. The actor played him well, but he wasn't given the opportunity to develop much depth to Bruce Lee. I hate to admit it, but I was somewhat disappointed.

  30. より:


  31. より:

    Fuck bro I gotta watch this movie Bruce Lee is my idle in martial arts

  32. より:

    Love BRUCE LEE
