TOP 10 BEST DRIFTERS IN THE WORLD | Do you agree with us?【DaiGoまとめ】

Who is the best drifter in the world? It’s a question that drift fans will argue across the globe. Dave decided to do some research …


「TOP 10 BEST DRIFTERS IN THE WORLD | Do you agree with us?【DaiGoまとめ】」への28件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Time to update the list Dave? 🙂 more or less all of your predictions back then were spot on

  2. より:

    Until Kalle Rovanperä stops rallying and pets for drifting.

  3. より:

    Literally ken block bro

  4. より:

    is there schematics available online for that sick sim rig behind you or is it bought?

  5. より:

    where's Ken Block 43 ???????

  6. より:

    Georgy Chivchyan Is armenian Last imte end with (yan)

  7. より:

    i love this list i wish ken block was in it two

  8. より:

    Say what you want Ken block is the king rip legend

  9. より:

    Kunimitsu Takahashi man

  10. より:


  11. より:

    Ken block better be on this list at #1

  12. より:

    I do think being able to build a damn good car is why Kawabata, Saito and Deane can dominate for so long. They have drifted some of the craziest builds instead of sticking to one car make and model.

  13. より:

    1° Wieck
    2° Gocha
    3° Deane
    4° Assbo
    5° Field
    6° Shanahanmhanahamm
    7° …
    8° …

  14. より:

    Go Gocha, go!✌

  15. より:

    the best drifters are saudis full stop.

  16. より:

    James dean might be a fucken westworld robot because of how consistent he is

  17. より:

    where's tsuchya keiichi?

  18. より:

    BORSH STORY enters the chat…

  19. より:

    Gocha is best from Russia! Peace!

  20. より:

    Saito and Kawabata better then Gocha and Shanakhan?! What? I can't believe this. Did u seen RDS 2021? Best runs were from Gocha, Deane, Arkasha, Shanakhan, Damir. Daigo and Kawabata just lose. Top 3 of season: Shanakhan, Gocha, Deane

  21. より:

    i believe kenblock is the best

  22. より:

    Me be like after seeing russian drifter it's good ig

  23. より:

    LOSEV #1

  24. より:

    imo naoki is the best, he dominates D1(which is imo better than fd japan), and also came to australia 1 time and won at his first try.i think if he had a more competitive field to beat like in fd america, he would stop to just show off and show how good he rly is

  25. より:

    i met the best drifter in the world

  26. より:

    I think ken blocks should be on here

  27. より:

    Piotr has been my favorite to watch for the past 2 years he’s just so goddamn fast and entertaining

  28. より:

    James Deane should try rally
