TOP 10 LAYUP GODS – NBA 2K17 Plays Of The Week Highlights【DaiGoまとめ】

NBA 2K17 Top 10 Plays of the Week. Layups, Reverses and Amazing Shots. VOTE HERE: To …


「TOP 10 LAYUP GODS – NBA 2K17 Plays Of The Week Highlights【DaiGoまとめ】」への28件のフィードバック

  1. より:


  2. より:

    WTF was that in the corner 1:06

  3. より:

    4 is better

  4. より:

    same plays really'

  5. より:

    549 ouuuuuiwe

  6. より:

    Number 9 and 1 is the same thing

  7. より:

    bruh in #8 the guy didn’t get shook he was running to cover his man

  8. より:

    How do I send yuh a vid I got one 4 yuh

  9. より:

    At 1:05 the defender was guarding the 3 cause if you see he reached when he got to the guy at the 3pt line as if he was goona steal the pass

  10. より:

    I figured out how to do dos crazy azz layups all you do is go in like you are goin to dunk then just flick the right stick on your
    Controller right before you dunk and you can do all kids o shit it funny getting people to spin

  11. より:

    When you realize half of these clips were skyhooks

  12. より:

    Hey shake I just send you a clip of me throwing a ally but the scorer did the number 4 animation it's LIT

  13. より:

    #8 didn't even get broke …… ? …… he was going to d up his man in the corner ………

  14. より:

    The spin layup is hella overrated

  15. より:

    I think it will be a good idea to hide your rep in park u shouldn't be able to tell if u playing with or against a rookie or not

  16. より:


  17. より:

    who the hell gets destroyed in the paint area with a sharpshooter

  18. より:

    jelly fam

  19. より:

    I do those spin layups all the time and I don't get recognition. I'm the layup god

  20. より:

    how are they layup gods if they are playing in a console when they aren't playing real life?

  21. より:

    to number 1 FUCK SSH NIGGA

  22. より:

    The number 1 is my brother his name eljih

  23. より:

    no 4

  24. より:

    My friend got the #1 but it was a foul and he made it

  25. より:

    Can u guys can tell me what do you think is the best PG or SG role to 2k17?

  26. より:

    Please do this more often

  27. より:

    3:55 I've gotten that animation, you just drive in like your doing a spin lay up from really deep

  28. より:

    Has anyone else done the front on 360 layup?
