Xperia Z2 vs Galaxy S5 | Pocketnow【DaiGoまとめ】

For our full thoughts, check out Pocketnow’s full Sony Xperia Z2 review here: /2014/05/14/sony-xperia-z2-review Dying for some …


「Xperia Z2 vs Galaxy S5 | Pocketnow【DaiGoまとめ】」への40件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Damn phones have really changed over the years

  2. より:

    Recommend 6 years later..

  3. より:

    well sir, it's been awhile, but, I'm intrigued with the music player used in sony.
    could you please kindly tell me what it is?
    i see it has in screen volume button.
    thank you sir.

  4. より:

    S5 for the win! Fast, light, has more color and more importantly, SUPER DURABLE!

  5. より:

    Sony seems better

  6. より:

    Watching this on my 6 years old Xperia Z. Though not my main phone anymore.

  7. より:

    The note 3 and the s5 seem to be the only devices with a 3.0 USB thing

  8. より:

    I still wash my Z2 how about your S5?

  9. より:

    Thats right, | Its a sony. |

  10. より:


  11. より:

    still using z2 and working perfectly

  12. より:

    Posting this 3 years later. The Z2 was and still is better than the Galaxy.
    After 3 years the Sony phone still runs fast and smooth and the battery still holds charge, whilst the Samsung lags and probably can't hold charge for longer than 1 hour. LoL

  13. より:

    Sony has better style than Samsung

  14. より:

    Purple is the new black

  15. より:

    Z2 is better

  16. より:

    Hey can you please do a review on Z2 with marshmallow and please explain how to get into recovery mode in Z2.

  17. より:

    z2 is classy and sexy… in Black.

  18. より:


  19. より:

    I Just Love My Xperia Z2… I Always Love Z2.. No Idea For S5 .. Just Love Z2 😀

  20. より:

    lol I saw a mr mobile ad while watching this

  21. より:

    z2 sucks

  22. より:

    dua2 bagus, saya mah gak kebeli lur

  23. より:

    I love my Xperia Z2 The front speakers are awesome and totally loud enough for me. The camera (especially the software)is just great and overall good to use.
    I'm not saying the S5 isn't good, cause it obviously is, but I couldn't live with that phone, I'm clearly a Sony fanboy apparently. :'D

  24. より:

    what should i buy s5 or sony ?

  25. より:

    I get aids by reading the comments

    Z2 for Sony Fanbonys
    S5 for Samsung Fanboys

    For new customers – total personal decision

  26. より:

    Z2 needs Diesel, S5 needs Energy

  27. より:

    dude ur review isnt True, And ur payed to boost that shit galaxy phone, all Who have chance to have tham both know how much xperia is bether. And im writing this with it so yes fuck off

  28. より:

    삼성이 빨간색이 진하군

  29. より:

    it's really a matter of personal preference.

  30. より:

    Samsung can do way more things than that z2 like wake it up with a motion of ur hand and browse through pics and ur Web with a motion of ur hand

  31. より:

    Z2 is way much better

  32. より:

    S5 or Z2, which one should i get?

    I want a good camera, good audio (from headphones), and a solid phone considering the rest ( Net browsing, some minor games, and other normal stuff for an android)?

  33. より:

    Z2 is better, S5 is not better

  34. より:

    please someone tell me which device in better with battery !!

  35. より:

    Z2 is far way more better than thn tht orthodoxy plastic piece of shit.
    But guess what iPhone6 is incomparable.

  36. より:

    Are viewing angles good on the xperia z2 ?? Compared to previous xperia smartphones like the z1 ?

  37. より:

    Z2 or samsung s6 or iphone 5s. Any suggestion?

  38. より:

    Galaxy s5 is boring shit i dropped in water and the speakers sound is bad now like robot …the s5 scratch very fast and gets slow by time camera is bullshit

  39. より:

    Xperia z2, the best ever smartphone!
