You guys have to be trolling me right? Seriously though, I fought against one of the best Sean players out there in Street Fighter III: …



  1. より:

    Doesn't count, and oddly enough does.

  2. より:

    Does anybody know how to do this follow up after the super?

  3. より:

    still counts lel

  4. より:

    Iv been hating on SF 4, 5, and probably 6… but I absolutely love watching 3rd strike!

  5. より:

    Thanks for the advice at 4:14 Justin really needed to hear that

  6. より:

    justin stop talking and focus on the game lol

  7. より:

    It counts bro

  8. より:

    jwong: "that don't count"

    ron howard voice: it counted

  9. より:

    More Streetfighter fore!

  10. より:

    Just realize this is the same guy who played Maximilian a while ago and took consistent W's

  11. より:

    This is like a right of passage for every online 3rd strike player

  12. より:

    Nah, Sean the worst? Thought 12 was the at the bottom?

  13. より:

    Wait, Sean is worse than Twelve?

  14. より:

    Uh… Yeah.

    Dude you ain’t gonna get past that one. it’s part of your legacy. haha. embrace.

  15. より:

    "It doesn't count!" 2:43 COPIUM

  16. より:

    Which platform is that ? I used to play on ggpo years ago is it still viable ?

  17. より:

    What a mistake trying to troll the most chill guy in the world.

  18. より:

    Few men are haunted by their past as frequently as Justin is.

  19. より:

    This video is awesome.

  20. より:


  21. より:

    I'm a huge fan of yours Justin… but that counts

  22. より:

    So good to see the old games being played

  23. より:

    sean is the best

  24. より:

    Even money by the end of the year Justin will have taken a Daigo Parry from every single character in Third Strike

  25. より:

    what do you mean doesn't count, that counts bro…….at half of it

  26. より:

    For u but for me that execution was lit AF

  27. より:

    lets gooo daigo parry everyday!
