The Top 10 Impossible Comebacks in Esports History【DaiGoまとめ】

There’s one thing that every esports fan can appreciate: The comeback. There’s really nothing like it. Comebacks are everything …


「The Top 10 Impossible Comebacks in Esports History【DaiGoまとめ】」への38件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Evo moment #37.
    Never forget!

  2. より:

    Fnatic overpass comeback is insane they brooke the game with that boost

  3. より:


  4. より:

    the daigo counter should be number 1 and im not even a VGC dude. That moment changed gaming in my opinion. I remember seeing the clips and how huge it was. Now its normal, but it wouldnt be if it werent for Daigo. That play is hype and the crowd is super hype too lol

  5. より:

    should have had the rocket league rlcs comeback from c9

  6. より:

    I would also say Penta VS EG on R6

  7. より:

    SKT vs EDG?

  8. より:

    HONESTLY DAIGO will always be number 1. The amount of skill…. kassadin ulting around nexus is nothing compared to all those frame perfect parries!

  9. より:

    Only Evo moment #37 still gives me chills every time man

  10. より:

    where is Cloud9 beating Faze in the Boston Major? literally the only NA team to ever win a major when they shouldn’t have

  11. より:

    Nerds lol jk i love games

  12. より:

    Love all the comebacks and love all the competitors … and not to diminish player skills or game difficulties or anything … BUT … EVO Moment #37 should be Number One or at least Top 3 on this list … simply put, the level of precision in the execution, the amount of pressure Umehara was facing due to the Japan VS USA rivalry, the decision making on the spotlight while adapting to Justin's playstyle … EVERY FACTOR PUT TOGETHER … make this an impossible comeback that til this day has not been able to be replicated, its truly a One In A Billion performances in a competitive setting. Apologies to the rest of the competitor's comebacks but Daigo did the hardest comeback in gaming history…we are talking about FRAME PERFECT inputs during the highest of the stakes matches in a tournament…man I could go on about this…enough said.

  13. より:

    None of the clips here came even close to game 3 of og vs lgd ti8 upper bracket finals

  14. より:

    old video but great voice over work. Good explanations, and then just let the video play and show it without speaking over it. thank you.

  15. より:

    Dota is dead

  16. より:

    I don't understand how Capcom Cup 2017 Grand Finals didn't make this list lol. MenaRD literally was on the verge of a 0-3 elimination from loser's bracket and ran it back to win the whole thing.

  17. より:

    I remember I was at the eg vs ehome game and that was the loudest I have ever heard a crowd holy shit absolute chills

  18. より:

    Me and the boys watched that complexity comback live, 3 of us were for optic and one friend was a complexity fan it got wild lmao. Watching legendary moments in any sport is always very cool.

  19. より:

    Why not use orginal audio on diago parry?

  20. より:

    Now I would put DRX vs EDG worlds 2022 as my #1

  21. より:

    Evo Moment 37 at #10.. This ride is aboutta be WILD.

  22. より:

    I watched most of the matches of MLG Columbus 2016 live, I was big into CS at the time but never really watched ANY major before, but since this one was in USA I was like, heh lets watch – the LG comeback was absolutely surreal…. ever since I've not seen a more dramatic semi-final.

  23. より:

    Daigo should be number 1

  24. より:

    I think score esports should try to parry that super that might change the ranking

  25. より:

    Liquid CS is cursed.

  26. より:

    Moment 37 was something everyone believed to literally be impossible. Not being at top 3 at the very least is Heresy

  27. より:

    If only this video came out after Fnatic's 3-11 comeback against Loud in map 5 of VCT Lock In

  28. より:

    All top comments being about Daigo legit shows that it should be higher on the list

  29. より:

    Im a dota player for like 10 years got to top 1500 in americas at some point and yet I understand all the games ive never played including lol and have no idea whats going on in dota, its so chaotic and so many factors and knowledge and it gives me a headache to understand.

  30. より:

    Waiting for FNC VS LOUD, VCT GAME 5 11-3 COMEBACK

  31. より:

    Idk I still think evo moment 37 is still the best most insane thing in esports ever

  32. より:

    I love comebacks so much and awesome video man :]

  33. より:

    Evo Moment 37 should be #1

  34. より:

    i hope to be in a video like this one day

  35. より:

    I think Dimitri is the best commentator in the sport esport

  36. より:

    Dota is it, when it comes to stories. There are just so many ways to succeed, it's impossible to solve.

  37. より:

    I’d say my two favorites is EVO Moment 37 and MKLeo’s comeback with Joker!! Both Daigo and Leo showed true skill when all seemed hopeless!!

  38. より:

    drx vs t1 abt to be added to this list
