ワノ国編の終盤予想❶ カギを握る天羽々斬、光月日和? 光月おでんの魂? ゾロは覇王色? カリブーの鬼ヶ島釜茹で返し? ベラミーが登場?他【ワンピース ネタバレ 考察】ONE PIECE theory【ワンピースまとめ】

ワンピース ネタバレ 注意 最新1021話までで天羽々斬、日和 ゾロ覇王色、鬼ヶ島を考察 ONE PIECE theory 最新 伏線 研究専門 ワノ国編 …


「ワノ国編の終盤予想❶ カギを握る天羽々斬、光月日和? 光月おでんの魂? ゾロは覇王色? カリブーの鬼ヶ島釜茹で返し? ベラミーが登場?他【ワンピース ネタバレ 考察】ONE PIECE theory【ワンピースまとめ】」への39件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    this guy really predicted momo turning to s dragon

  2. より:


  3. より:

    Thank you Ron Sama for the excellent video

  4. より:


  5. より:


  6. より:

    Anyone here watching the video on x0.75 speed? I just can't read that fast XD

  7. より:

    Do you think Eneru will come back in future episodes?

  8. より:

    Arigato ❣️✌️

  9. より:

    Thank you for eng sub !!!

  10. より:

    It's great to hear theories from the perspective of someone living in Japan 🙂

  11. より:

    Since big mom is in wa no kuni and we saw her flashback, nothing you are saying will happen before we see a kaido flashback before rocks, with rocks, after rocks, with yamato and with orochi. This flashback will probably come soon since he is fighting yamato

  12. より:


  13. より:


  14. より:

    Its sad for us living overseas as subtitles under cc are not comprehensive. I hope you can get your translator so that we can enjoy your videos. Thank you

  15. より:

    Just like king punch saved king riku from falling stone pieces of pica after zoro cut him
    Same caribou will help in saving flower capital from falling onigashima after luffy/momo defeats kaido..
    Kawaaaii Yuderon San , ❤️ from india ☝️

  16. より:

    hi yuderon, did you have any theory considered where is hiyori and the sword shushui?

  17. より:


  18. より:

    I literally have no words to describe how amazed I am. If any of these things come true I think I will faint. Bless you and I hope that eventually you will translate all of your videos so I can enjoy as much or even more as this one.

  19. より:

    Wow. Caribou had so much significance than he actually appeared to be back in Return to Sabaody arc. I'm also excited to see Bellamy bringing the flag to another country under the strawhat's jolly roger.

  20. より:

    If oda has a righthand man is you

  21. より:


  22. より:

    I'm constantly getting blown away by this channel's theories, omg! It's like I'm getting spoiled at every turn, haha. Thanks for your hard work!

  23. より:

    Thank you very much for adding english sub titles, I extremely appreciate it and I will watch for as long as they're there! Thank you again! Amazing!

  24. より:

    To much to take at one go..

  25. より:

    you are a beast

  26. より:

    Just like yuderon i am going to make a prediction that in the coming videos the number of english comments are going to sky rocket because of ohara's videos!

  27. より:

    Ohara’s video sent me here

  28. より:

    bro your theories are in next level bro ,i think mr.oda will soon consider you

  29. より:

    Nice thought about caribou taking onigashima. He has also had a change of heart to some extent in his cover arc. Even if that doesn’t happen he sure has helped luffy by feeding him.

  30. より:

    I agree with everything except zoro not having king haki.

  31. より:

    Thanks for the subtitles

  32. より:


  33. より:


  34. より:

    More english subs please! This was great!

  35. より:


  36. より:

    Wow! This would be very interesting!

  37. より:


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  39. より:

