【ワンピース 1020 ネタバレ注意❸】ヤマトの役割を日本昔話から考える!!【ONE PIECE 考察】開国を待っているワノ国はもしかて……!? 仲間入りは? 赤犬サカズキとの表裏一体説も!!【ワンピースまとめ】

1020話の考察➀ ヤマトの能力考察 https://youtu.be/AaygBGS2FZ4 1020話の考察➁ ロビンの想い考察 https://youtu.be/54MEtwqlos …


「【ワンピース 1020 ネタバレ注意❸】ヤマトの役割を日本昔話から考える!!【ONE PIECE 考察】開国を待っているワノ国はもしかて……!? 仲間入りは? 赤犬サカズキとの表裏一体説も!!【ワンピースまとめ】」への15件のフィードバック

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    here I present a comparison of Yamato to Nico Robin and Nami about Yamato possible joining to the crew:

    All of them introduced themself to Luffy while looking below at him:
    Nami: from the roof
    Nico Robin: from the railing of Going Merry
    Yamato: from the ceiling(she is also taller)

    All needed to convinced luffy to join:
    Nami: ask to partner as navigator
    Nico Robin: invited herself in
    Yamato: request to board the ship

    They all are or were related to antagonists:
    Nami: Arlong and fishman pirates
    Nico Robin: Crocodile and baraque works
    Yamato: Kaido and beasts kingdom pirates

    Luffy helps overcome their burden related to their past:
    Nami: destroing maps and beating Arlong
    Nico Robin: declares for her war against World Government
    Yamato: destroying her handcuffs and fighting with Kaido

    Their dreams are related to paper-based object:
    Nami: maps
    Nico Robin: books
    Yamato: Oden journal

    Their dreams require them to explore the world:
    Nami: she wants to make world map
    Nico Robin: she wants to learn poneglyphs and true history
    Yamato: going outside Onigashima and having adventures just like Kozuki Oden

    All are linked to the concept of freedom and liberation:
    Nami: wanted to free her village from Arlong
    Nico Robin: she is called the Flame of Revolution
    Yamato: wants to free herself and wano country from Kaido

    All are second recruit from each region:
    Nami:east blue(after Zoro)
    Nico Robin: Grand Line(after Chopper)
    Yamato:New world(after Jinbei)( still possible)

    All had someone who believed in their dreams and was killed by antagonists:
    Nami: Bellmere(killed by Arlong)
    Nico Robin: archeologists from Ohara(killed by World Government)
    Yamato: 3 Wano Samurais(killed by Kaido)

    I really hope these are indications of possible Yamato joining to Straw Hats, but what was said in the video is more detailed and more plausible than what I wrote.

  5. より:

    So excited to start watching your videos; I've always felt that One Piece was a series you could enjoy more when you could enjoy and understand the wordplay Oda uses. Thanks for adding subtitles!

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  7. より:

    Thank you

  8. より:

    the reason i think yamato will join is because luffy is just like roger, having zoro who uses the color of the supreme king haki as a first mate, just like rayleigh, a marine best friend who is coby, just like garp. the last person to join roger crew was oden, so we can say that yamato will be the last member of the straw hat crew since she is saying that she calls herself ODEN. What do you think?

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  11. より:

    You're so amazing! I'm glad that I've found your channel

  12. より:

    1st time on your channel after watching ohara's analysis of your one piece theory and I am amazed by your interpretation of each word in japanese.
    So much was lost due to translations.
    Glad I could make it here

  13. より:

    Letsss goooo

  14. より:

    I am sooo glad its translated now!!!. cant wait to keep watching !

  15. より:

    A lot of great info. <3 the channel, thanks for adding eng subs 🙂
