【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】Sculpting DIO BRANDO | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】Sculpting DIO BRANDO | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure」への43件のフィードバック

  1. より:


  2. より:

    he draws eyeliner better than most women

  3. より:

    Dr. Garuda i would love to see you sculpt the characters from The Seven Deadly Sins anime!!!

  4. より:

    I cannot take those shoes seriously. Those are clown shoes. Dio, what were you smoking when you thought up that outfit

  5. より:

    Как он испортил его… Не нужно было губы красить и добавлять розовый оттенок вокруг глаз.

  6. より:

    watching this was absolutely insane

  7. より:

    Your work is gorgeous!

  8. より:

    he looks creepy

  9. より:

    What exact tools paint materials clay did you use i need to know

  10. より:


  11. より:

    This is just amazing

  12. より:

    Благодаря вам мне захотелось слепить дио,я никогда не увлекалась лепкой но месяца 3 назад слепила маленькую голову джолин куджо.Теперь захотелось что то побольше.хотя нет ни опыта ни инструментов,только скульптурный пластилин ,проволока,и скарпель.Чтож буду пробовать)))

  13. より:

    How much? No, I’m actually serious. I need this

  14. より:

    Tsugi wa Jotaro! Kisama da!

  15. より:

    dio got thicc buns

  16. より:

    i love how he does a perfect drawing, and then passes a marker over it

  17. より:

    dio the cheese god

  18. より:

    7:23 he looks like a memish character

  19. より:

    where did u get ur sculpting kit from

  20. より:

    Could u make Dio greatest high next?

  21. より:

    why buy figurines when you can just make one,,

  22. より:

    Pls roka

  23. より:

    the ass shot at 11:47 was the best thing i've ever seen

  24. より:

    what kind of clay do you use to model

  25. より:

    Hello can you make ermis from jjba or lady tamayo from demon slayer

  26. より:

    I love his elf shoes

  27. より:

    What I wonder is how he is able to make it so great with that terrible armature.

  28. より:

    Man just casually finishes the drawing in the first 30 sec

  29. より:

    Imagine DR. Garuda did all JOJO and all Villains(including Dio part 1)

  30. より:


  31. より:

    Yay vampire

  32. より:

    Bro you’re so good at clothing it’s wild.

  33. より:


  34. より:

    I like how they always use Egyptian discovery channel music

  35. より:

    damn youm even sculpt under their clothes thats really cool make it look easy even lol

  36. より:

    This is very good!!! Theres also another version of dio brando that u can make tho!!

  37. より:

    I've seen enough, I'm subscribed now.

  38. より:


  39. より:

    Dio shorter than jotaro nani

  40. より:

    Are you from indonesian?

  41. より:

    he does so much effort, when I do it mine looks like crap compared to him

  42. より:


  43. より:

