【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】BSV Ch. 003 – Son of the Gun (Hijo de la Pistola)

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】BSV Ch. 003 – Son of the Gun (Hijo de la Pistola)」への40件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    "don't ever call me hoho, that's the nickname my dad gave to my mom"

  2. より:

    its funny that like part 9 the first interaction we see with the main jojo is a fight against some shit head cops

  3. より:


  4. より:

    Bro became a women

  5. より:

    My God I love this 4:00

  6. より:

    When will there be a sequel?

  7. より:

    José thought he was Joseph

  8. より:

    That was beautiful

  9. より:

    This actually would be a good spin off
    And the fact that hol horse is his father actually made sense, maybe there is others sons of hol horse around the world.

  10. より:


  11. より:


  12. より:

    i cant wait for the next episode, god I wish there was more jojo fan content like this! I'm prepared to wait 3 maybe 5 hell rolly 10 years for a single more episode of this its genuinely buetiful and quite an amazing…show? i cant wait to see how this plays out!

  13. より:

    This stuff is so dope, can't believe I only found out about it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  14. より:

    Broooooooo soy mexicano y esta serie me encanta necesitan hacer más capitulos

  15. より:

    I will pay for this to just be part 9

  16. より:

    Ok so I love how hes technically a JoJo but hes not a Joestar

  17. より:

    Jojo(hoho) about José

  18. より:

    Necesito más capítulos de esta animación está muy buena

  19. より:

    It matches the tone of JoJo so well

  20. より:

    is this fan animation? Or real?

  21. より:

    I love how the stand is waaaaay over there and gets to dictate when Jose uses the ability

  22. より:

    3:38 4 year old me seeing mom naked for the first time:

  23. より:

    3:05 “The balls on this guy!”
    – Fat corrupt cop

  24. より:

    If he hates the name hoho why’s it plastered on him

  25. より:

    Ima be real the instant i saw bhs i immediately thought of the bronze kneecap from the fairly odd parents

  26. より:

    This kid thinks he's Joseph

  27. より:

    Wait, so is this a once a year thing? You're breaking my heart.

  28. より:

    Me encanta el español paisano que usa jajaja y como la piedra del sol está construida haciendo buen uso de esta

  29. より:

    Lyles spanish is impeccable

  30. より:

    Loved the joseph imitation for it to not happen

  31. より:

    Omg hile is the son of hol horse!

  32. より:

    So chapter 4?

  33. より:

    -spicy man

  34. より:

    This should be part 10 of jojo lmao

  35. より:


  36. より:

    I wonder if he is a joestar in any way

  37. より:

    i need more

  38. より:

    this happened to my buddy Eric

  39. より:

    Where. Where is the rest of it? It can't be only this! It's too good.

  40. より:

