【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】ジョジョ: Spice Girl vs. Notorious B.I.G 『HD』

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】ジョジョ: Spice Girl vs. Notorious B.I.G 『HD』」への44件のフィードバック

  1. より:


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  5. より:

    Trish's (or at least Spice Girl's) theme is so extremely underrated, imagine if someone played it in a club or something

  6. より:


  7. より:

    so if a stand is a manifestation of the users soul does that mean Trish is talking to herself when her stand is telling her what to do?

  8. より:

    0:03 this scene where your parents get in

  9. より:

    Other stand users: gives their stand a name
    Spice Girl: gives herself a name instead from her master

    What a chad Stand

  10. より:

    Honestly; when spice girl talks about moving super slowly, but doing so with the strength of a vice, it gave me chills bro.

  11. より:


  12. より:

    Thank god the stand had its own intelligence or trish would be done for

  13. より:


  14. より:

    where Second part?????

  15. より:

    trish's dad stand ability: one of the strongest stands, can skip time for maximum 10 seconds, he's the only one who can remembers all of the actions that is in that past 10 seconds, got an epitaph which can see up to 10 seconds ahead in the future before skip it, impales people
    trish: SoFt

  16. より:

    spicy lady best name change my mind

  17. より:

    It rare to see Stand that has it own consciousness

  18. より:

    How does Spice Girl injure BIG with a metal pipe if only Stands can hurt each other? Is BIG supposed to be a “corporeal”-type?

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  20. より:

    My best reason for loving the story of golden wind, every members of passionate work always with coordination and cooperatively.

  21. より:


  22. より:

    the sub : spicy lady
    the voice : spice gal
    the reference : fucking destroyed

  23. より:


  24. より:

    So, her's is sentient like King Crimson. Huh. Does that technically make them sisters?

  25. より:

    Imagine your stand smarter than you

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  29. より:

    Subtitles: spicy lady
    What it sounds like: spicy guy

    Me: which one????????

  30. より:

    0:12 tentacle kun, what are you doing?

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  32. より:

    Luffy Gear 5th

  33. より:

    Part 3 stands: runs out of cards and gods to name themselves after
    Other stands: guess I'll be whatever music my user likes
    Spice girl: Fine… I'll do it myself

  34. より:

    Spice girl is BRUTAL.

  35. より:



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  37. より:

    other: *please step on me
    me: 1:24

  38. より:

    I expected her to say "S-H-I-T" at 1:25

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  43. より:

    1:17 to 1:50

    Um… Should we all be concern about spice girl and the way shes acting?
