「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】JoJo Stardust Condensers 2」への18件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    I just can’t get the fact that the monkey is a Stand user

  2. より:

    Why is Singapore so clean?

  3. より:

    Where did it go!?

  4. より:

    1:14 I haven’t laughed that hard in a while jesus

  5. より:

    me waiting for part 3

  6. より:

    Where part 3? :c

  7. より:

    where 3

  8. より:

    is been a year and no part 3 ?

  9. より:

    when continue

  10. より:

    Its bean years why is the third video not out yet?

  11. より:

    Holyshit why are these so accurate

  12. より:

    Will you continue it?

  13. より:

    ……. I love kakyoin

  14. より:

    I want Stardust Condensers 3

  15. より:

    why nobody talks about Anne

  16. より:


  17. より:

    2:00 I like how when jotaro says star finger star platinium stares at him like ''star what? …whatever''

  18. より:

    Do part 3 n o w.
