【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】Jojo's Bizarre Connect Four Game (JJBA In Real Life)

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】Jojo's Bizarre Connect Four Game (JJBA In Real Life)」への40件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    But what happens if mista played connect four

  2. より:

    "connect four" mista did not like that

  3. より:


  4. より:

    I just found a professional video editor channel. He was making videos about My little pony. After looking at his channel, what do I see Jojo… I learned that I laugh when I encounter unexpected situations.

  5. より:

    2:09 I love this perfect pronunciation

  6. より:

    This is so good

  7. より:

    2:28 POV: your pucci

  8. より:

    Maybe dont let them play next time.

  9. より:

    Топ неожыданных концовок

  10. より:

    Wait,that language on the connect 4 box was German.

  11. より:

    0:12 how began a different board game

  12. より:

    I love that edit so much 2:27

  13. より:

    Star platinum,s final punch ,the cherry on the ice cream.

  14. より:

    4 gewinnt uff das ist Hart

  15. より:

    Came for Man vs Ponies, stayed for Jojo Connect 4

  16. より:

    i like how joseph casually pulls out the game from no where

  17. より:

    parker22 help girls parker22 Alex kiss

  18. より:

    The editing on the chip when D'arby was flipping it around was fucking phenomenal

  19. より:

    you're a god!

  20. より:

    Why is it that every Stand or pony want to kick your butt, dude? Don't those bills get expensive after a while?

  21. より:

    nah man these are too good

  22. より:


  23. より:

    Remember when Jotaro was able to see through SP and then nobody ever did that again with their stand?

  24. より:

    Go ahead mr jœæßTæūœr

  25. より:

    Ah yes as a German I can say that connecting four is a true game of aggression Misschef and tricks

  26. より:

    Violent is the key

  27. より:


  28. より:


  29. より:

    better then the real show

  30. より:

    Saying this is amazingly done is an understatement.

  31. より:

    2:10 GO AhEaD Mr JoEsTeeeR

  32. より:

    Who knew that insulting Avdol's robe works the same way as insulting Josuke's hair

  33. より:

    These are ridiculously well made. I've thoroughly enjoyed the whole series.

  34. より:

    I literally watch this one and the uno once a day in the past 2 months. It is the most entertaining thing I ever seen on YouTube!!!

  35. より:

    Mister jorster

  36. より:

    Ah yes the classic I beat you up for playing with us

  37. より:

    wait. if the cameraman saw the star platinum at the end of the video,
    does that mean hes a stand user??

  38. より:

    Dude….Your videos are perfec

  39. より:

    In this universe, Polnareff dies against D'arby thanks to Avdol losing his shit.
