【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】Every JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stand Explained – Standology 101 | Get In The Robot

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】Every JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stand Explained – Standology 101 | Get In The Robot」への25件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    We’re talking stands: if you had a stand, what would it be?

  2. より:

    I have no idea why that specific arrow has the beetle symbol on it but it doesn't matter if you use that arrow or another to get requiem, the only rules that apply to my knowledge are that if you stab yourself with the arrow and you already have a stand, you get a new ability, but if you stab your stand with the stand arrow, you get requiem. Please tell me if I am wrong.

  3. より:

    I got more spoilers out of this than I expected

  4. より:

    1:45 actually i dont think there is a reqiuem arrow because from what i know you need to be stabbed by the arrow twice to become requiem

  5. より:

    I jus realized the irony of "to explain it easily" and then goes into a paragraph lkng thing

  6. より:

    To me the most simplest way to describe king crimson is to semicompare it with something else, which would be (i think his name is) porky from the mother series, with how he encapsules himself so now nothkng can hurt jim not even time itself, so i jus like to imagine diavolo, when king crimsn does his stuff, is just frozen and everyone around him is like "what happened lets hurt him" but nothing hurts him until he unfreezes but to diavolo it was insteant

  7. より:

    pretty sure requiem stands aren't temporary

  8. より:

    pale snake is both close range and long range

  9. より:

    what pistol?

  10. より:

    How does he not get copyrighted

  11. より:

    ZA WARUDO! STEAM ROLLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. より:

    Silver Chariot Requiem is an odd case, it is fully visible to humans, and acts on its own, as Polnareff died, although unlike golden experience requiem, it shares no similarities to its former-pre requiem self, doesnt even use a Rapier, also this is kinda sad but imagine if scr knows Polnareff dies and mourns his death like everyday

  13. より:

    Since we can see stands in jjba that means we're stand users but our stands have not awakened

  14. より:

    The reason why Heaven's Door opens people at first is cause people that was interested in his work and touched the paper had the stand's set effect on it, as he learned more to use his stand ability it slowly gained it's body, with this time of year we have Stone Ocean which shows off that growth with Jolyne's stand Stone Free with it's first apperance being just a thread from her finger and when she understand it better it finally gets a shape.

  15. より:

    i miss this channel

  16. より:


  17. より:

    alright here's how king crimson works so when he dose his time erase move the actions that are happening in the time erase don't exist when the move is done so it's a kind of like a time skip for everyone else

  18. より:

    Hello I'm JoJo if you follow the JOESTAR trilogy, but there is a whole saga of others who have there stories as well…

  19. より:

    King crimson doesn't exactly erase time and space or else people like Giorno would have been erased from the Jojo timeline instead it erased targeted people's conception of time and space

  20. より:

    Honestly if I had a stand irl and there wasn't any other stand users, it would probably be six pistols. I could become the world's best sharp shooter

  21. より:

    There is no "Requiem Arrow"

  22. より:

    You forgot killer queens heart attack

  23. より:

    Funnily enough, Dan of Steel is less suggestive than Steely Dan. As the band Steely Dan is named after the worlds first strap on.

  24. より:

    Dude you cant be disrespecting my boy worse company

  25. より:

    There’s actually no confirmation of there being a requiem arrow. All we know is that the arrow used to achieve a requiem stand HAD the beetle on it. It could be special, but we’ll never actually know. Most people just assume that it’s special. And Spice Girl is not sentient, yet another huge misconception. Spice Girl never talks again after Trish, the user, gets ahold of using it. It’s really herself understanding things on her own but just talking aloud. The only stand that is remotely sentient is Dragon’s Dream, but even then, it is the knowledge of the user of the transparency of martial arts that is being verbally expressed. So technically, no stand is sentient, as that’s ours make no sense if it is just a personification of your will. But yeah, stands can also be born from sheer will and passion/expertise of a craft as shown with that chef guy as the man said.
