【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OAV HD – 13 [Dio's World – Farewell My Friend]

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OAV HD – 13 [Dio's World – Farewell My Friend]」への20件のフィードバック

  1. より:


  2. より:

    28:07 jotaro on the verge of tears


  3. より:

    I did not there was an old version. I watched all the new animations. But I am loving these old episode more than the new one. Why man why.

  4. より:

    OVA edition jojo is so blood

  5. より:

    Harami anime Dio was killing muslims and jotaro Destoryed the tower of masjid Why this owner of this anime did this!

  6. より:


  7. より:

    I can’t believe this was made in 1993. That animation in that climax fight scene seemed ahead of it’s time.

  8. より:

    Is great seeing jotaro showing emotions, in the other one he is practically emotionless.

  9. より:

    4:03 dio resetted

  10. より:


  11. より:

    DIO's voice sounds like Mr. Burns' voice from The Simpsons' Latin American dub until 2005

    Tanaka's voice gives DIO an unique tone

  12. より:


  13. より:


  14. より:

    When star platinum hit dios leg I felt it like a scooter hitting my bottom leg that sht hurt

  15. より:

    the OVA is 400 times more realistic (not the blood tho it's "more realistic" now) if the voices weren't so outdated it would be amazing
    no flashy effects, no loud sounds, no amazing stand sounds , all you hear is them, the destruction and barely any sound effect , there's not even music which gives a scary and tense feeling

  16. より:

    *laughs in David Production Anime version*

  17. より:

