「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】The BEST JoJo Characters Ranked」への21件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Hot pants is a little underapreciated but she isnt nowhere close to the impact of other jobros like koichi, okuyasu, stroheim and etc

  2. より:

    Ok before I keep going in the vid I would go B7G or G7G

  3. より:

    Where is rai

  4. より:

    koichi and speedwagon are my top 2 jobros and jonathan should have been higher.

  5. より:

    This list needs a 2023 update

  6. より:

    i can maybe excuse putting stone ocean characters low but putting johnny that low is criminal

  7. より:


  8. より:

    Giorno kinda boring to me. I'd put him above Jonathon Joestar, but every other Jojo is better imo

  9. より:

    Part 3 should have been named Polnareffs Bizzare Adventure due to him appearing more than jotaro does

  10. より:

    Mista should have been number one

  11. より:

    Speedwagon should be 99%, only because he also consider koichi e truly reliable guy and so he gives to him that 1%

  12. より:

    For me its d2d

  13. より:

    How was koichi higher than ceaser?

  14. より:

    Honestly, putting Bruno on the JoBro list is almost unfair since he's basically the driving force and heart of Part 5 while Giorno serves more as a supporting protagonist (and I say that as someone who considers Giorno to be my favorite JoJo). Granted, Polnareff and Koichi got a lot of focus in their own parts as well, but it wasn't quite as extreme.

  15. より:

    It's funny looking back at this, people really don't like Giorno as a protagonist (which is BS, he's well written) so to see him at #1 probably just because part 5 was recently animated is insane

  16. より:

    "You're fucking overrated! GIORNO GIOVANNA!" ~Abbachio (probably)

  17. より:


    Yeah you was right about this. If you poll now he would totally be higher.

  18. より:

    I honestly love gappy. I was genuinely shocked when he was at the bottom his character is so interesting with the ties to Kira and him and the higashkitas.

  19. より:

    mmmm i cant put giorno as the best joestar simply because for me, Bucciarati was the protagonist and best character in part 5

  20. より:

    I wonder how many people would vote on Tooru

  21. より:

    Honestly, most of the Jo-Bros were annoying and/or loud. Speedwagon is more like an announcer, but he's better than the others. Kakyoin and Bruno are deserving of top five and number one.

    Dio is the best villain. No one compares to him. He set the bar way too high. Cold, ruthless, just evil, I could go on. And I hate Dio. But he's the best villain.

    Jonathan deserves better. Everyone hates Phantom Blood though. He, Joseph and Jotaro should've been in top three. Giorno being in fourth place, Josuke in fifth, and then the others below.

    Also, I can't read mangas without getting headaches. So, blame the animators for not doing a good enough job providing character development.
