「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】I Tried Japan's JoJo World」への26件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Im a 10 on jojo fan scale

  2. より:

    Next they gotta make polnareff land

  3. より:

    9:45 i am not hardcore JoJo fan but i get your enthusiasm, i only watched part 1 and 2, planning to read the managa ❤

  4. より:

    Well i watch this when it first came out with 0 Jojo knowledge and am coming back 60% through part 4

  5. より:

    Level of jojo fan : jo-curious

    Never seen any episodes or such memes and small clips is all i know. But i would still go. But why i write mostly is you say that people who dont know care or get anything about the show might look at you and be why is this grown man enjoying it so much (or something along thouse lines) and for me i see a person who is passionate about a hobby and fandom and i enjoy seeing other peoples joy as it makes me think hm maybe i should get into this then

  6. より:

    the fact that anyone in their 30s says "yah boy" so goddamn much makes me sad to be on earth, yknow that and almost everything else about people like this.

  7. より:


  8. より:

    I am no Jojo Watcher nor Fan (I dont hate it btw the artstyle is just not for me) but it's always great to see you had fun and you made a great video for Jojo Fans who cannot go there!

  9. より:

    Yeah…. Misto..

  10. より:


  11. より:

    Connor in the thumbnail be looking like the beautiful masterpiece he is.

  12. より:

    where did you buy the stand arrow?

  13. より:

    I have a question! I keep seeing everything is in Japanese. Are there staff that talk English and is there stuff that’s English? And do the characters speak English or Japanese?

  14. より:

    It's funny how I basically had the whole jojoworld experience just by looking the monitor of my computer hahaha

  15. より:

    bro that polaroid @9:30 i cried such a beautiful keepsake

  16. より:

    Lol Connors stand would be a anime girl XD

  17. より:

    I don’t understand JoJo. Is it a gay anime?

  18. より:

    was curious about jojo do to hearing about it in all yours and the other guys videos was pretty cool.

  19. より:

    ngl if i were there and got Bucciarati i would not be able to handle that man speaking in the headphones i would just straight up collapse every 10 seconds

  20. より:

    I love the Anime but I wouldn't go to this it seems pretty weak.

  21. より:


  22. より:

    I would literally only care about part 1

  23. より:

    Good vid man, but please get a bigger mask

  24. より:

    did you ask about the phantom blood movie? 😀

  25. より:

    love that he is wearing the giono suit to jojo world

  26. より:

    wtf have men become
