【ワンピース考察】Newspapers are the Most Exciting Part of One Piece

This video is about one piece newspapers… the most exciting OP subject of all time… but now that luffy has a new bounty and one …


「【ワンピース考察】Newspapers are the Most Exciting Part of One Piece」への40件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Suprise suprise.Buggy becomes yonko

  2. より:

    remmember the time when Nux was wholesome

  3. より:

    Big News Morgans, for all his newspaper's inaccuracies, editorials for the sake its own interest, taking bribes from the World Government, and downright lying to their readers faces, is still so much more reliable than any national news paper/network/website we have in my country, and probably the entire western world, and maybe the entire world at this point.

  4. より:

    This is one of the cringiest videos I've ever seen.

  5. より:


  6. より:

    Who are the other three emperors

  7. より:

    Facts Lord Nux

  8. より:

    Chopper cuts the paper in half. The paper has Kaido's face on the other side. The piece with big mom's face has her face with a hole in it and Nami stares through it.

  9. より:

    Help I can’t stop watching these videos

  10. より:

    The one piece edits go off

  11. より:

    Ay i recognize that one piece amv in the back that was my favorite one piece amv ever

  12. より:

    remember when buggy beat a tribe of cannibal by himself..hes strong

  13. より:

    The amount of different stories going on outside of the protagonist and the newspapers are amazing. So glad I picked this one up a few months ago

  14. より:

    I think he means 'Gum for One'. When he awakens, THAT'S gonna be 'Gum for All'

  15. より:


  16. より:

    Ya hear that guys! Alex Jones is an essential piece for the progress of our future!

  17. より:

    How would the WG pay for that?

  18. より:

    Morgan is actually not that weak, like he defeats a CP agent in one hit, I mean the guy is probably not as strong as other CPs, like cp9, but still

  19. より:

    Hanezeve caradhina (Made in Abyss soundtrack) is playing in the background

  20. より:

    I love how honest you are! AAHAH! Bless!

  21. より:

    I see Captain Buggy, I like.

  22. より:

    "Donald Trump is reacting to you."

    hesitantly puts down spoon and pretends not to be eating ice cream from the carton in the middle of the night

    Dreams. Right. I'm heading towards those. I have goals, totally!

  23. より:

    Morgans not a fighting beast?! You sure about that brooooooo? 😛

  24. より:

    za Worudo! lmao lol

  25. より:

    dude predicted future events that are currently occurring

  26. より:

    At dressrosa arc.. There is this gladiator who said that Luffy is 8 meters giant..

    That guy must be a victim of a false media

  27. より:

    u suck u spoiled one piece

  28. より:

    So what your saying is we need to build a wall around every golf course so Trump and Putin can never play a game against each other.

  29. より:

    __ __ / ___ / ll
    [_> l__l /— l /— o

  30. より:

    Dynamic environment and progressing story/ character development and interaction. That's what makes One Piece the most famous series today and the record holding manga.

  31. より:


  32. より:

    I believe they said only reason why he had a higher bounty was cause he killed/injured the innocent

  33. より:

    Wrong – The most popular part of One Piece is the Robin and Nami fan service

  34. より:

    Did you just put a MIA ost on a one piece video?
    I'm impressed.

  35. より:

    Ur on my side , i love newspapers

  36. より:

    There are short video yonkos like blv, other group is casters like Joy Boy and there is Im-sama of yt, anime hentai machine talking 24/7 – Tekking 😀

  37. より:

    Kid kills civilians… that’s why his bounty was higher… I won’t even touch the trump stuff. Other than those two issues pretty solid video.

  38. より:

    Just finished watching Made in Abyss, as soon as I heard that song at 9:45 it was so sureal dude

  39. より:

    Is tekking a yonko of YouTube

  40. より:

