【ワンピース考察】How Naruto and One Piece Speak Differently Through Battle – The Art of a Fight Scene

One Piece and Naruto / Naruto Shippuden / Boruto both being of the legendary battle shounens and both the homes of many epic …


「【ワンピース考察】How Naruto and One Piece Speak Differently Through Battle – The Art of a Fight Scene」への33件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    naruto fights are mid.Yeah they are technicall but mid.

  2. より:

    Really good video.

  3. より:

    I can name countless fan favorite scenes in naruto that aren’t even fights:
    -Naruto and Zabuzas speech
    -Shikamaru playing shogi with his dad after Asumas death
    -Sasuke learning the truth about Itachi
    -Lee realizing he might never be a shinobi again
    -Naruto meeting Minato
    -Naruto meeting Kushina
    -Gaaras speech in the 4th war
    -Narutos goodbye speech to Minato
    – Itachis tells sasuke he loves him
    -Shikamarus speech to Hidan and asumas ghost appearing next to him
    -Pains cycle of hatred speech
    -team 7 reuniting
    -Kakashi talking to his dad
    -Chiyo giving her life to save Gaara
    -Narutos pain arc entrance
    -Sasukes kage summit entrance

    Naruto is known for its emotional and hype moments just as much as it’s known for its fights. Also the fights in naruto aren’t just about the fight itself but more so about the ideologies of the characters.

  4. より:

    Imagine one piece fights being bad I couldn’t imagine that

  5. より:

    I love one piece fights

  6. より:

    My epic naruto moment are many.
    Naruto meets Minato for the first time.
    Madara wanting to Adopt Sasuke as hes own brother.
    Obito changes hes heart.
    Itachi shows hes love for Sasuke.

  7. より:

    momoshiki vs narusasu
    from 00:00 till 03:27 , whoever still disaggree one piece have better fighting than naruto theyre totally bias opinion. only that 1 fights better than whole one piece fights that ever made. we just need to accept naruto fight is better than one piece. but we have legendary story. thats it

  8. より:

    It would be awesome if one piece had naruto style fight choreography

  9. より:

    I like how you tell about how a lightning or light speed punch can decimate Luffy even though he's canonically Immune to physical blunt attacks-.

  10. より:

    one of my favorite in one piece are actually that scene in ohara, when akainu blow up the civilian evacuation ship to everyone surprise, the astonished look on kuzan eyes while calling akainu and his action as fool, are crazy, the group carrying "justice" as their slogan actually doing genocide and massacreing a bunch of civilian, hunting down a little girl using canon, the whole island are burning, the intensity there are off the chart.

    after that are Dofflaminggo speech about justice, Teach speech about man never ending dream, Hiluluk speech about death, and many more, and none are fighting scene

  11. より:

    Naruto death scenes will always be incomparable.itachi,jiraiya,minato,kushina,hiruzen,itachi's mom and dad,konan,nagato,sasori,Yahiko,obito and alot more there deaths were way too heartbreaking.fights might be the perks of naruto but there it's not the only thing that makes naruto an epic anime.

  12. より:

    I started watching naruto in the past i enjoyed it and then one piece is next and i was like damn its so good and my became my most favourite anime

  13. より:

    this guys says naruto fights are longer.

    Luffy vs Katakuri: 22 episodes.

    Me: ?????

  14. より:

    One thing I’m seeing is people saying an anime is better by simply stating that it is more complex, which in turn results in its story being of more value.

    Though this would come down to this,
    Naruto has a cohesive story of which was connected from its start to finish, as lacking in its progression as it may be it still progresses

    One piece from what I’ve seen only chalks up newer badder villains, though keeps them for future better stories.

    A story of which serves its purpose without lack of reason is what makes a story more complex.

  15. より:

    One piece has so many great moments, so many things when you look back on it's amazing, Naruto does not do that for me… And just thinking about it now I can clearly say in one piece as much much greater

  16. より:

    naruto,boruto have the best story telling i have ever seen, even my dad who is a pro animator and has made comics, and worked on movies says its the best cartoon type show hes ever seen that last so long and remains good,

    one piece tards dont comment this is my opinion

  17. より:

    I hope onepiece make more cool fighting skill and animator, its really bad Fighting scene

  18. より:

    This is why One Piece has the better story in my opinion.
    A 5 second one hit knock-out in One Piece tops hour long fights in Naruto. Because One Piece is brilliant at conveying emotions and getting you connected to every single moment.

    Like when Luffy punched the Celestial Dragon. It was just 1 punch. But that 1 punch carried the very essence and struggle for freedom the story has been built up on. The weight behind that 1 punch is bigger than the entire Naruto vs Sasuke fight.

    That's great story telling.

  19. より:

    i would argue that private king and hokage are very different, becoming the hokage means your the strongest and best leader in the leaf village whilst the private king is a means for freedom for luffy. he doesn’t have to be the strongest, but strong enough.

  20. より:

    One piece is better in longevity because the ocean is so vast so this anime is full of materials unlike the ninja world

  21. より:

    I feel like the best fight in one peice is about equal to imo vs Sakura but the build up in one peice is way better so the best one is just witch one you prefer for you

  22. より:

    I love both Naruto and OP and both anime have great fights tho Naruto has more details in fights hand to hand combat.. Meanwhile in OP we have punch for a punch.

  23. より:

    Naruto taught us that, words are amazing. You can even persuade an enemy using your words.
    Luffy taught us that words are meaningless without strength.

  24. より:

    One piece > Naruto

  25. より:

    One Piece fights >>> Naruto fights. Yes there are epic scenes in One Piece other than fights because it's has best story all scenes and arcs epic. While Naruto doesn't even have epic scenes so you think of fight scenes are epic but Naruto fights doesn't come to comparison One Piece fights. One Piece fights doesn't end with some talk no jutsu or always some Rasengan. While Luffy solos millions Naruto uses clones to go against one person.

  26. より:

    Luffy has the best power ups , who would have thought that kind of use of something like useless rubber power??

  27. より:

    When you can't beat something with story…..go for its artstyle/fight scenes
    what's the use of fight scenes if everything is going to end by talk-no-jutsu?

  28. より:

    Pirate king and hokage are not the same , pirate king isn’t actually a king , it is just a nickname

  29. より:

    Luffy opponent were way stronger and in many way they could win but since luffy is the protagonist he had win. Lol.. Story is cool though. The fights spoils most of the scene.

  30. より:

    one piece and naruto are opposites naruto starting off crazy and after the akatsuki it fell off a little one piece started off boring and just got better and better and better i love both the shows i’m only half way through one peice not even time skip yet but i might like it more then naruto

  31. より:

    laughs in Wano

  32. より:

    One Piece is not even a comparison to Naruto.
