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「【ワンピース考察】Dressrosa in MINUTES Part 1 | Sagas In Minutes」への38件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    I wish to be quaranpinned

  2. より:


  3. より:

    nah cuz i turned in one piece dressrosa arc for my book report

  4. より:

    Dressrosa: the arc that took me 6 times as long to watch as all the episodes before together (i still haven’t finished dressrosa)

  5. より:

    Skip over Franky low diffing two of doflamingos officers

  6. より:

    you forgot punk hazard

  7. より:

    stranger things?

  8. より:

    these are truly helpful

  9. より:

    Is it me or is dressrosa almost the same plot line as avengers infinity war I mean this did come out before that movie but it’s literally almost alike

  10. より:

    It made no sense why he switched the strawhats bodies

  11. より:

    I wish they would do more with the underground scene in one piece. I thought it was going to be a big idea at first

  12. より:

    I’m sorry I can’t watch this shit without getting bored asf

  13. より:

    5:25 guys. isnt this how blackbeard gets his crew fruits after killing the users
    and how he got the gura gura no mi

  14. より:

    This part is till which episode?

  15. より:

    You Are Trash fake video

  16. より:


  17. より:

    Watching Dressarosa on Crunchyroll right now. Saw that the arc length was 630 to 699… "This ain't too bad! I can do this."

    Today, decide to check the episode listing and see what the next arc is. "Dressrosa 2. 700-740"

    Me: "I'm broken. Dead. I can't do this anymore."

    Now that I've done a bit of research and found the primary culprit behind why things drag so much in One Piece – because the anime was near the manga in content; instead of making fillers to give the mangaka time to draw more, they opted to slow down the pacing from 3-4 chapters per episode to 1 chapter per episode.

    I can respect that. On the other hand, I really wish they'd recut and reedit this whole arc and take out all the unnecessary filler shots that make it such a slow painful viewing experience.

    Plot repeated incessantly (often the same back story gets retold from a different angle and vantage point a few episodes after it was shown the first time), slow unnecessary panning shots constantly, reactions constantly across a massive cast, time dilation that causes things to stop making sense – there was a part where Dom Flamingo was racing down towards the Thousand Sunny, and it took half to 3/4 of the episode before he made it down to the deck – because there was just so much talking and dialogue; really casual style too – standing around chatting about stuff, and it looked like they just plain forgot about the fact that they were been attacked by the most dangerous guy on the island.

    The things that have happened have been pretty epic and enjoyable, but that's been met in equal measures by the pain of the slow pacing.

  18. より:

    Robin notably bullied Franky during punk hazard, which was really out of character.

  19. より:

    Almost 1 mil subs

  20. より:

    I love you.

  21. より:

    One piece was at a all time low but they clutched on the end of dressrosa

  22. より:

    This part one
    How many episodes it will cover?

  23. より:

    Bro this guy finna help me win a $20 bet

  24. より:

    Aint no way hes subbed
    thats cap

  25. より:

    only doing this for punk hazard then watching dressarosa

  26. より:

    im here cause i forgot what happened to sanji

  27. より:

    Said 2y of date and that makes me happy

  28. より:

    3:10 if you watch this arc Nami let Sanji to smoke using her body so he is not a dick for this coz Nami allowed it

  29. より:

    Anyone got any tips on how to get more views

  30. より:

    You’ve done it, I’m a subscriber now. I hope you’re happy

  31. より:

    Don't watch this anime in November.

    Especially after the timeskip.

  32. より:

    God the saga after the timeskip should not be watched in November.

  33. より:

    The one thing that made NO sense, was why they didn't just dunk the toys in salt water since the power of the ocean rejects devil fruit powers (it worked pretty good on the zombies at thriller bark, same concept). That would've made sugar's power meaningless.

  34. より:

    should I skip punk hazard and watch this?

  35. より:

    I binged it I remember alot but the small details I don't as I was half asleep from school binging it the story build up like the luffy fighting in the ring to the midgets to doflamingo scamming law I find it quite boring but when sabo appears it gets good from there

  36. より:

    reminds me of orochimaru so much….weirdo, kidnaps children, ……
