【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】ジョジョ 5: Narancia vs. Formaggio 『FINAL』

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】ジョジョ 5: Narancia vs. Formaggio 『FINAL』」への23件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    This is probably the fight in Golden Wind that sold me. So creative with many twists, from the telephone to hiding in the sewer, to Narancia getting trapped in a bottle with a spider, easily one of the most memorable for me.

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  5. より:

    The epic flame battle, also the purple flames transition to the alternate colours was awesome!

  6. より:

    2:38 didn’t know Ai Hoshino had a third child

  7. より:

    Best fight in JOJO's

  8. より:

    If you really had the time you could train like a whole pack of Killer dogs like German Shepherds and you can release them at any time. They could be in hand then grow like 7 of them to attack someone when need be. Just thinking of tactics.

  9. より:

    POV: orange vs cheese

  10. より:

    Such a shame that the audio is so out of sync… Even with the reduced level of quality, Vinks' upload blows this one up.

  11. より:

    3:15 to 3:54 is my favorite part and kill in Golden Wind.

  12. より:

    Don't feel bad Narancia, I doubt even Bruno could've done that without causing lots of damage

  13. より:


  14. より:

    Something is wrong with the video, its out of sync with its audio

  15. より:

    That fire battle

  16. より:

    Imagine you live in italy and then you see shirnking man and child play extreme fight and your car gets destryoed in the process

  17. より:

    I still think this fight is peak jojo.
    Both fought really cleverly and I love the dynamic of the tides turning all the time, and how it switches focus between the two. I found myself rooting for formaggio at times and it's specifically made this way like the scene when narancias plane enters the sewers and suddenly he is big and imposing while formaggio is the underdog.

  18. より:

    Desde que supe que el actor de voz es deku ya no lo veo igual xd

  19. より:

    For some reason I can't stop misleading Aerosmith as Aerochord and now I can unhear the song Surface during this fight

  20. より:

    me in the bathroom vs the spider be like
    ( our shower is very fancy and can be detached )

  21. より:

    I think Narancia exemplifies how busted hol horse would’ve been for the crusaders team given how a gun stand can dominate most one v one fights if used properly.

  22. より:

    The ending of this fight is the perfect definition of "mission failed successfully"

  23. より:

    It’s a good thing he was falling in slow motion so he had enough time to say all that.
