【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】TEDxZurich – Jojo Mayer – Exploring the distance between 0 and 1

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】TEDxZurich – Jojo Mayer – Exploring the distance between 0 and 1」への23件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    astounding solo(s)

  2. より:

    To this day, the only worthwhile ted talk in history

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    Whilst in no way disacknowledging Jo Jo's drums musicality, the lecture veered rather uncomfortably towards AI- robotic mumbo jumbo.

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    I can watch and listen to him all day

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    I'd take that a step further that when in that intuitive state of improvisation you are channeling through your higher consciousness which is in complete connection to the universe, time, space, dimension.. basically in the realms of the fabricators and shapers of existence… this state of being in the flow is not just in music but exists in all creative forms, art, literature, sculpture, design etc.. and is the universe or Gods expressing itself through us as extensions of itself.

  6. より:

    now play trap music

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    12:50 is so amazing. unbelievable skills….

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    fast forward a decade later. How would AI compute and generate its own rhythms?

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    The Drum Philosopher.. great.

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    I've thought about the title in a mathamatical concept maybe on basic terms, however have you ever noticed counting from 0-1 is impossible?
    you cannot even reach the first 1, 0.0r

  11. より:

    9 years ago I thought that Jojo had reached his prime, boy I was wrong

  12. より:

    It would be kickass if Danny Carey did a TED talk! TOOL frickin' rocks! 😀

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    I love it. Jojo accentuates his words exactly like Christopher Walken; a trippy, hippy Swiss version of Christopher Walken.

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    looks kinda like the white jimi hendrix

  16. より:

    This dude is a badass!

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    Lars Ulrich is the best drummer in the world

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    Oooooo gooooooodddd love you

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    11:10 I think free styling is one of the most impressive ways this phenomenon is expressed. (edit): mostly because spoken language can require many elements of rhythm. Our voice box is the most unique and versatile instrument that every human knows how to play.
    (edit 2) I wonder how drummers can incorporate their actual voice into their set (in ways other than conventional singing).

  21. より:

    I really Love this Vortrag.

  22. より:

    That moment when you feel ashamed and happy at the same time. Ashamed because you realized that you were so wrong thinking you have a good knowledge of those musical genius and there seem to be nothing really new. Happy because you realized that there are still genius to discover. I would love to see him live with squarepusher playing the Rustic Raver album.
    I can imagine that even if AI starts to manage that 'between 0 and 1' thing, he is ready to competewith something new 'out of this world' 'spiritual' whatever you wanna call it.

  23. より:

    Can't judge a book by its cover! Everytime I hear this guy speak I am blown away by his knowledge and intelect. Not to mention how advanced and complicated his playing is. As a fellow percussionist you can appreciate how complex his playing can be! I don't think this audience gets it…lol
