【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure STONE OCEAN | Official Trailer 2 | Netflix

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure STONE OCEAN | Official Trailer 2 | Netflix」への43件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    love this

  2. より:

    Love it , can’t wait to see

  3. より:

    I think they know

  4. より:

    netflix ruined jojo

  5. より:

    I forgor this exist

  6. より:


  7. より:

    So many ungrateful people in the comments complaining be grateful that we even got an anime adaption for part 6 this could’ve been one of those series that didn’t get an anime adaption or got one but didn’t fully finish adapting the manga.

  8. より:

    I really hope Araki and David Productions get away from Netflix

  9. より:

    Good shit Netflix you killing the hype for this show, very good

  10. より:

    I’m gonna go ahead and predict that Made in Heaven would be called “Maiden Heaven” in the anime when it comes out later in the future and that mean I predicted the future maybe

  11. より:

    Jojo part 6’s second batch just came out and nobody cares because you guys have literally killed this show

  12. より:

    Welp, time to subscribe to Netflix for one single month and then cancel my subscription again, instead of remaining subscribed for the entire duration of the Jojo airing if it was weekly.

    I honestly can't understand who is supposed to be benefitting from this decision of releasing the episodes in batches.

  13. より:

    We waited that long, and this is what we get? The animation sucks

  14. より:

    Seeing it now its good can't wait for batch 3

  15. より:

    The fact that if they release each episode once a week
    It can help them have more time to make the part 2

  16. より:

    This is the worst season of jojo ever made. It shows that the writers got comfortable. The story is diluted to the point it's not keeping my attention. At this point the jojo's should be well know to the point none of them should have been in jail. They focused on a jail scenario that does not match their family ties. Please take Netflix away from this series.

  17. より:

    JoJo shouldn't be in the hands of netflix in the first place, they're just ruining the show

  18. より:

    yall are ruining jojo why do you hate us

  19. より:

    ah yes, diver drive

  20. より:

    Whenever there's a white background, I cannot read the text. And I don't know Japanese!

  21. より:

    Netflix, when will you realise that batches ruin the hype to EVERYTHING

  22. より:

    Kore ga part 2 da….

  23. より:

    cant wait for my great grand children to tell me about jojolands in my grave in 2169

  24. より:

    Where are new episodes?

  25. より:


  26. より:

    no way diver downs localized name is "diver drive"

  27. より:

    Fun fact: if netflix did weekly release we were already finished stone ocean!!!!!!

  28. より:

    Can't wait to see jojolion with my great great great grandchildren

  29. より:

    Tip: don't release a not finished anime

  30. より:

    بعد 5 أيام حماس

  31. より:

    Pls let there be cmoon

  32. より:

    netflix sucks so bad its humorous

  33. より:

    0:47 yo-yo ma is the best stand because is actually the strongest part 6 stand

  34. より:

    can't wait to watch jojolion in afterlife

  35. より:

    Wheeeen i neeed itttt

  36. より:

    Every JoJo fan be like:
    Netflix: Releases 12 episodes
    Fans: Watch it all in 2 days
    Fans: Have to wait 10 months for another 11 episodes

  37. より:

    Diavolo :))))

  38. より:

    Best part❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  39. より:

    Excited to see jojoland on heaven

  40. より:

    cant wait to see C-moon animated

  41. より:

    Thats why steel ball run is gonna be finished before stone ocean

  42. より:

    I hope my grandchildren continues my journey watching stone ocean

  43. より:

    To be honest I actually like the batch release Idea but the waiting period was a little to much. But I still like it
