【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】The Complete JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Anime Timeline So Far… – Parts 1-5 | Get In The Robot

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】The Complete JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Anime Timeline So Far… – Parts 1-5 | Get In The Robot」への36件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Yikes, big oof. Jonathan married Erina; we said Joseph by mistake. That’s… that’s just wrong. Sorry y’all.

  2. より:

    The whole bizarre timeline, bloodline and adventure.

  3. より:

    i think it's safe to say that no other anime embodies the domino effect better than jojo has

  4. より:

    Dash of adult swim. I love it.

  5. より:

    At least i wont have to watch the series from the begining

  6. より:

    "And they all lived happily ever after"
    For now……

  7. より:

    Wait Curt? The Recreyo guy?

  8. より:

    I was watching part 2 at my friends house and it was when we thought stroheim died and I was like bruh he was so cool and my friend was like “why are you having sympathy for a natzi?”

  9. より:

    4:16 REAL ‼‼

  10. より:

    Me who pays attention to the sound and heard "Joseph marrys Erina"

  11. より:

    Needs an update since part 6 anime adaptation is finished

  12. より:

    i think u forgot to mention jolynes birth, in 1992

  13. より:

    Don’t get attached to any dogs except iggy right?

  14. より:

    Part 1 – 3 are the best. Others is not worth watching!

  15. より:

    5:52 JOESPH?????

  16. より:

    are you ever going to also do the manga or rather beyond part 5?

  17. より:

    I like Von Stroheim too I don't know why I got banned from a jojo Discord for it

  18. より:

    Speed wagon best waifu

  19. より:

    Maud Maud Maud Maud maud !

  20. より:

    Araki isn't a Vampire, He's a Hamon master

  21. より:

    You didn't mention the dog Dio had with the human head

  22. より:

    You guys should do an updated video to add part 6 since it's now completely released.

  23. より:

    where is zepelis paST

  24. より:

    the begining: is that a jojo reference

  25. より:

    I thought watching this video would remedy my confusion but it seems to have left me in a greater state of wtfomgbbq

  26. より:

    spoiler get in the robot is a jojo reference

  27. より:

    Bro my name is Iggy!

  28. より:

    Y'all honestly don't understand Dio do you? He's not a vampire, he's a human with his limits being extended by a lot. That's why he can freeze things while other vampires can't, the sun burning the people who were exposed to sun being vampires doesn't mean anything.

  29. より:

    So I’m a jojo reference….

  30. より:

    Wait if you watch the first couple of episodes when Dio gets the mask he says it’s because of Jojos blood like his moms side … or something

  31. より:


  32. より:

    There wasn't much around 10 000 years ago? You sweet, innocent soul…

  33. より:

    thanks this is all my friends talk about and im too lazy to watch the show

  34. より:

    You sir have one of the best podcast in the world great video keep up the good work

  35. より:

    muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda

  36. より:

    If Jonathan Punched dio’s head that’s part 3 gone
