【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】So Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 1993 Is Kinda Awesome…?

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】So Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 1993 Is Kinda Awesome…?」への36件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    So the old jojo was like a sample.

  2. より:

    I have a soft spot for the OVA. And even the JRPG for the Super Famicom. They may have their obvious problems, but it’s charming in their own way.

  3. より:


  4. より:

    The ova version of dio Vs jotaro was more of a realistic brutal fight and didn’t have bass boosted sfx, I also like how it shows more emotion in jotaro with him being more terrified because he knows he is mostly outmatched, and not having some dumbass cockiness

  5. より:

    Ova jotaro kenshiro

  6. より:

    I was liked ova because there wasn't that much music. It was focused on fighting and the story.

  7. より:

    bro i see it before coming the new its cool

  8. より:

    Where can I watch it for free?

  9. より:

    What about the 0VA in 2000?

  10. より:

    Epic graphics

  11. より:

    im going to say this now , i watched the OVA with my friend and the G.E.B fight WAS SO DAMN GOOD compared to the 2013 version!! what they did was so damn creative and i love that! We loved how Polnareff made his entrence , the fact that Dio would find anthing to throw and Jotaro would do the same eventually

    Avdols and Iggys death where so good too!! it made me gasp in shock and i was honestly hooked into it
    if you have a couple hours , honestly go and watch it! because its so damn worth it!

  12. より:

    Truly underrated

  13. より:

    The Geb and Vanilla Ice fight were really scary compared to the new one.
    The lack of music helped it tense up scenes.

  14. より:

    It’s interesting how incredibly popular Jojo is today. I remember in 2003 or so, a bunch of Jojo sound clips became early internet memes (wryyyyyy, steamroller smash, “muda da”). It was well known in Japan, but the anime was quite obscure in the US—like, even at anime conventions, you might see one or two JoJo cosplays if any at all. And then nothing for over a decade and a half. I think it continued to maintain meme status in Japan but no one but old school fans knew about it in the US until, boom, everyone knew about it.

  15. より:

    The OVA is overhated

  16. より:

    Fine Points. And yes I also love the 93 OVA as a cult classic

  17. より:

    Ive always had a softspot for the ova, Maybe im biased but I dont really care, It was my First exposure to jojo(Besides memes wich hardly counts)

    As soon as star platinum grabbed the bullet stoping jotaro from killing himself i fel in love with jojo.

  18. より:

    guys where do i watch the jojo OVA??

  19. より:

    My feeling on the new version is that Kakyoin didn't actualy had a happy life to return, with the meaning that this was the perfect time for him to die

  20. より:

    It's not forgotten. This game has online tournaments

  21. より:

    Bro the OVA has the old type cartoon animation. If this was showing on my TV i would be there for every episode no matter what

  22. より:

    Bro star platinum hit dio so hard that he went to the ova 5:11

  23. より:

    I like how the OVA also let the other crusaders contribute to some of the fights, like Avdol using his Magician's Red for crowd control against Enyaba's zombie puppets.

  24. より:

    Imagine if a JJBA Anime was made by Toei Animation right after FOTNS Ended.

  25. より:

    It's my favorite adaptation of Jojo. It's amazing.

  26. より:

    What I love about this OVA is that they took the source material and did cinematic adaptation in a very successful way. It wasn't about getting those memorable sting poses; they took the plot and then made it into an 80's movie, which is effectively is! The pacing of the final battle was great, and the subtle change like making Jotaro stomp the manhole cover instead of ambiguously appear, or the entire section in the desert and Avdol's use of his rings felt so much more suspensful because they put beat and pacing first, and then adaptation second. Plus the old animation style really gives it a lot of charm!

  27. より:

    Now i realise why in jojo games the ova stands are better then the normal stands

  28. より:

    In terms of art style alone, I much prefer the OVA especially the DIO fight. Cairo looks a lot more realistic, the citizens dress like what you would typically expect Arabians/Egyptians to dress like and you can actually see Arabic writing on the buildings. It's the perfect blend between Araki's more flamboyant dress style for the main characters. The same applies to the designs of the main characters, particularly DIO who no longer has the exposed crotch although the rest of the design stays mostly the same.

  29. より:

    It IS Awesome!

  30. より:

    In terms of animation and choreography, I like the OVA's DIO vs Jotaro fight more. Cairo, the capital of the entire nation of Egypt, actually felt populated, and their fight had a more direct impact on the city and its people. In the anime, they were mostly in their own little world aside from the occasional onlooker.

  31. より:

    The OVA's DIO is way more terrifying

  32. より:

    It's just the voice acting that turn the gem into copper

  33. より:

    I personally like it a lot because it cuts a lot of the boring that were in the middle of part 3

  34. より:

    Where can I watch this with English subtitles? I'd like to experience it for myself, since it looks like it's pretty good.

  35. より:

    You NEED to watch the other 7 episodes of the OVA covering the first arc, they are legit gems also
