【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】STAND PROUD (JoJo OP 3) – Piano Tutorial

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】STAND PROUD (JoJo OP 3) – Piano Tutorial」への31件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Thank you!!

  2. より:

    Me thinking I can play this:

    The song at 0:16:

  3. より:


  4. より:

    Johnny watching this

  5. より:

    Me : watches

    Ads :I'm going to ruin this guys whole cereer by playing a 2 min ad.

  6. より:

    Meta día 1:
    Hasta 0:19
    Se me olvidó seguí :v

  7. より:

    Can you make Monster Hunter main theme

  8. より:

    I want you to play walk like an Egyiption

  9. より:

    I had this sync to my tv playing this

  10. より:

    I fell like this should go in Rocky

  11. より:

    I used to vibe to this op..
    Now I vibe to it sadly

  12. より:

    0:57 can i put MY BAAAALLSS IN YO JAWWWWWS

  13. より:


  14. より:

    Yare yare daze

  15. より:

    You were close
    It goes like
    E A B C B A E A G

  16. より:

    I don't like any anime, except for JJBA

  17. より:

    me t rying to play this
    my hand afte 5 minuts end MY SUFERING

  18. より:

    The music has a nice pun for a name

  19. より:

    Za wurdo!

  20. より:

    It's very exciting to hear the music like this, omg

  21. より:


  22. より:


  23. より:

    tbm pode deixar eu ir par o egito agr ?

  24. より:

    This is my favorite op

  25. より:


  26. より:

    In measure 13 of the sheet music at the end of the video, I'm pretty sure that that G# should just be a G, and any time that phrase is played in the rest of the song. I know you played a G#, but the actual song has a G I think.

  27. より:

    this video was uploaded on Joseph's birthday

  28. より:

