【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】JoJo – Anxiety (Burlinda's Theme) [Official Music Video]

「【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険考察】JoJo – Anxiety (Burlinda's Theme) [Official Music Video]」への11件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Oh how I've always loved her

  2. より:

    real rnb sound

  3. より:

    Love this song so much!

  4. より:

    This song really helps when my anxiety gets bad. The lyrics are so on point.

  5. より:

    Now that prostitution is legal, how much for jojo?

  6. より:

    all I can think is rhdkev did pulls all over her

  7. より:

    I love this Song by Lady JOJO… It's now my alarm ⏰, ringtone, and exercise motivational song .

  8. より:


  9. より:

    She deserved more views

  10. より:

    Let's make this a banger ad again, please. It was too soon. Now it's time… Share share share….so many people need this.

  11. より:

