「【ワンピース考察】One Piece Season 1 TUDUM Teaser」への36件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Not bad i wanna watch this

  2. より:

    The fighting choreography looks really amazing excited to see zoro in action

  3. より:

    this looks worse than i thought, not just dont these actors fit the characters like at all, they cant even act and already show completely different characteristics of the og characters. the one and only thing that we were hopeful, was the cgi and even that looks bad, especially considering the budget it got.

    this is another db evolution already.

  4. より:

    Cigarette or lollipop? Taking bets.

  5. より:

    To also answer this "it's gonna be good oda won't let it release if he disapproves" is false if the trailer gets attention where it could be a good source of some cash from people watching it it'll release regardless its all based on popularity pole if oda likes it and it doesn't get the feedback they want there not gonna drop it same the other way around same goes for tv shows if it good and getting people to watch it they'll make more as soon as they are more and revenue goes down time for different change of movie or show happens all the time

  6. より:

    Fan service?

  7. より:

    This is stupid.
    This is very very stupid

  8. より:

    CGI looks kinda awful and of course Wokeflix had to do Race Swaps again. Thanks but no thanks.

  9. より:

    This seems so dumb but for some reason it feels… wholesome.

  10. より:

    Exactly like I thought. xD

  11. より:

    I remember reviewing dragon ball live action badly and since then hardly saw any live action made. I wished I encouraged it back then so that more directors are encouraged to try this genre. I mean we gotta start somewhere right?. This time I won't be too critical and just enjoy it.

  12. より:

    Ok not a good. Luffy sounds too smart and his voice sounds annoying should have made the voice actor dub him

  13. より:


  14. より:

    I'm so incredibly excited for this, I know that one of the show runners is a One Piece mega fan so in theory this should be a masterpiece.

  15. より:


  16. より:

    even if it doesnt live up to the hype im watching it through in hopes that it gets a season 2 where there can fix any issues

  17. より:

    Who else got exited

  18. より:

    Please be good please be good please be good

  19. より:

    This looks dumb af

  20. より:

    OMG! This one actually looks good! For all the fail live action adaptations, THIS ONE LOOKS GREAT … so far! My hopes are up! I really hope I'm not let down!!!

  21. より:

    Is this real or fan made?

  22. より:

    Language English and still said gomu gomu?

  23. より:

    For a live action, trailer was good except there wasn't gomu gomu no

  24. より:

    No this is unacceptable first Luffy is wearing shoes and Zoro is using two swords not three

  25. より:

    When it out

  26. より:

    so bad

  27. より:

    Kenapa bahasa Inggris? Ga bahasa jepang aja?

  28. より:

    I haven't liked a live action anime adaptation yet hopefully this'll change it

  29. より:

    I hope Netflix don't fxck it up

  30. より:

    Its hard to meet high expectations and standards but What kind of Nami is that?? And Luffy's voice is "meh"

  31. より:

    Bro I love how they made Luffy Brazilian just like oda said he would be, but I don't like how he sounds somewhat smart

  32. より:

    Kinda wished they straightened luffys hair a bit -oh well

  33. より:

    if this becomes a success, I want to see Naruto next

  34. より:

    Terrible casting

  35. より:

    Plz no we all know it’s going to suck

  36. より:

    As a one piece fan I am looking forward to this.
