One Piece: World Seeker (PC, PS4, Xbox One) is an open world One Piece game. Does it live up to the name? Let’s talk.


「【ワンピース考察】One Piece: World Seeker – Before You Buy」への32件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Say hello to Tom. You might know him from behind the camera on the Friday news show or on our Tuesday live show. He's helping Jake and Falcon pick up the slack with Before You Buys. ANYWAYS, One Piece fans: did you pick this up? How you feeling?

  2. より:

    playing pirate warrior 4 shame heir is no pirate warrior 5

    i am thinking about getting it

    there are some mobile ARPG One Piece games

    too hold us over

  3. より:

    Can I play on PS4

  4. より:

    Rescue Franky from the sea prism? Why would it affect him?

  5. より:

    L got this game for $11.00

  6. より:

    I hate how new players feel like multiplayer shold be something mandatory in a game. It is not, games used to be about story, combat and quality, not about making every single game a battle royale.

  7. より:

    Okay, I'm decided. Even at 90% off on the store – it's a no. Empty boring world. No thanks.

  8. より:

    I got the deluxe edition on sale. I got it for 9 dollars

  9. より:

    i really wish Steam would show some gameplay.
    it's really annoying to have to come to youtube all the time

  10. より:

    I just bought the deluxe edition for like 9 dollars cause it's 90% off and then I started watching this video

  11. より:

    I actually enjoyed the combat. I didn’t originally but that’s because I was on beginner. I switched to hard around 30 minutes and it was way more fun.

  12. より:

    I guess they didnt a before you buy on the new One Piece Odyssey becuz the guys at gameranx didnt get a free review copy.

  13. より:

    Just got it for 10$ so It was very worth it for the money but for 60$ at launch I would have to pass

  14. より:

    Lol hella mad about to give this game to one of my little cuznz

  15. より:

    On sell for 6 bucks on xbox i think its time now

  16. より:

    game randomly went on sale for $13 today. guess ill buy it and start a playthrough. ill say personally, based off the review and the comments i see. this is a pricepoint worth it for purchasing this. ill play odyssey in a few months when it releases, now i got this for the time being!

  17. より:

    I was always interested in this game, and now it’s on sale it’s even more tempting.

  18. より:

    this is what i dont get, why is luffy wearing his return to soboady outfit in every game, everyone knows every arc the strawhats dripping in new clothes, its those little touches that would make it one piece, like we havent seen him wear this outfits for a solid decade

  19. より:

    i rate this game a 9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10

  20. より:

    Dude, the map isn’t any bigger than GTA III. I got this game on sale for $7 and I’m still disappointed. Spend your cold hard earned money on something else!

  21. より:

    This game was horribly made… but beautiful to look at but yea it’s high key below plain gameplay with pretty graphics

  22. より:

    It's on sale for $5 but I probably won't get it

  23. より:

    I got it for 5$ on the xbox store so it seems pretty worth it for me

  24. より:

    They need to make a game like asuras wrath but with One Piece

  25. より:

    Can u change the language

  26. より:

    The game is multi-player now… and so much dlc… maybe a new review is in order?

  27. より:

    This guy makes the game seem awful if I see him on gameranx again I'm probably not going to watch the video

  28. より:

    Why does my game does not want to load up on ps4 anyone got tips to fix it

  29. より:

    Why are bullets hurting luffy?

  30. より:

    I want this on switch

  31. より:

    I bought this game on sale.

  32. より:

    Got the game on sale… thank god
