【ワンピース考察】HOW TO BUILD A TEAM! Beginner Series ~ Episode 2 (ONE PIECE Treasure Cruise)

HOW TO BUILD A TEAM! Beginner Series ~ Episode 2 (ONE PIECE Treasure Cruise) What’s going on my broskiis? Timestamps: …


「【ワンピース考察】HOW TO BUILD A TEAM! Beginner Series ~ Episode 2 (ONE PIECE Treasure Cruise)」への40件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    I can’t see my characters no more at all plz help

  2. より:

    hi there really enjoy your guides. its prob a bit of topic but i was wondering if the beginner request from chopper to clear 5 clashes is realistic to complete as an actual noob (like less than a week played) or should i ignore it for now and get the 50 gems sometime later on .

  3. より:

    YOOO TOADSKII can youuuu make a best teams tier list !!!

  4. より:

    I been trying to figure out how to do the gift codes. It doesn't show it

  5. より:


  6. より:

    My Team Is Big Mom vs Kaido (Currently Using Kaido As My Captain)Because Of Such A Godly Boost For The Crew It Removes All Status Effects Gives 5X Attack Gives Immunity And Will Eventually One Shot A Boss Once Laws Ability Is Activated!,Mihawk Because He Drains 30% Hp From Enemies Helpful Againts Bosses,Law Traffelger Because Of Its Ability To Ignore All Enemy Defense Also Helpful With Bosses,Marco The Phoenix As My Healer,Yamato Which Gives Such A Good Boost

  7. より:

    How to drag some heroes character to support box

  8. より:

    Maybe a guide on how to train and upgrades characters

  9. より:

    Thank you

  10. より:

    This game has a lot of information lol

  11. より:

    Nice tips, I was about to purchase some unlockable quest for a ship and i watched this video. Now, I know what to buy.

  12. より:

    A beginner should have these characters yes

  13. より:

    In the character menu, how do I tell if my characters are sugo rare or just regular ultra rare? I dont see anything that tells you if they are a red rarity character or not

  14. より:

    Question, does the damage reduction stack on captains

  15. より:

    Phy= physical

  16. より:

    No idea what the fuck I'm meant to b e doing lol

  17. より:

    Im level 300 and didn't understand a thing bout the game now i can play the game

  18. より:

    Can you help me build a crew with max kami augo rare captain. Please

  19. より:

    Sir I want to watch epi 1 you should input the link here to be watch..

  20. より:

    Toadski thanks to teach how to build a over power free to play.. Team combine with captain legend..

  21. より:

    I play this game from a week.. Im completely lost. Help !;)

  22. より:

    if there is a circle with only 5 boxes, how can I have 3 more boxes, I am Vietnamese, so I don't really understand

  23. より:

    how to max a particular character

  24. より:

    Total went over my head but isn't it Phy for physical not Psychic?

  25. より:

    Cant wait to get Joy boy one day.

  26. より:

    Me Luffy Rich mode Aikanu Sanji 70 Garp 99 Crocodile/Robin and Zoro Dressrosa 70 that my started team

  27. より:

    Power up event still hard to cleared and how to started team level up amound to 70 or 99

  28. より:

    What do you do with duplicate characters?

  29. より:

    I’m pretty new to the whole show and this game and all I know about it is that this is basically dragon ball dokkan battle but it’s one piece this help me a lot with my team thanks for making this video

  30. より:

    Wow 27 minutes……and I still didn't learn how to play.

  31. より:

    Been playing this game since it released 6 years ago and still don’t know how to play

  32. より:

    I sold legend sugar

  33. より:

    pleaso do a video on what a new player should be farming, what to concentrate on in the game. how can i "rainbow" charakters? whre do i get the need stuff for it?
    knowing how to build a team is good and fine but when i dont have any of these units.

  34. より:

    Hi new to the game what is rerolling??

  35. より:

    How do I get that Psy Shanks?

  36. より:

    New to the game so it’s still very complex

  37. より:

    I just started yesterday and missed the Gol D Roger banner, who should i save the rainbow stones for?

  38. より:

    i am far from being a new player (started ~6 yrs ago) but I'm putting myself in a new player's shoes and there is just too much information to take in nowadays lmao

  39. より:

    How do you get AL these golden characters. How do you level them up

  40. より:

    What's the best thing to do with dupes? I got some from either drops or pulls and I'm hesitant to do anything with them until I know for sure what I should be doing with them
