ゴムゴムの実の性質は!? ルフィ油(樹脂)説 残る全ての伏線を放出!! 酔っ払いとローとの表裏一体でわかる!!【ワンピース ネタバレ 1042話 考察】大虎とウワバミ ONE PIECE theory【ワンピースまとめ】

ワンピース ネタバレ 注意! 1042話を考察します! ユデロンです! ワンピース好きすぎて 趣味で12年考察 ONE PIECE の謎をゼンブ解きたいん …


「ゴムゴムの実の性質は!? ルフィ油(樹脂)説 残る全ての伏線を放出!! 酔っ払いとローとの表裏一体でわかる!!【ワンピース ネタバレ 1042話 考察】大虎とウワバミ ONE PIECE theory【ワンピースまとめ】」への26件のフィードバック

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    Therefore water cannot touch luffy because of oil! He might walk on water

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    Godo Godo no Mi — Polymer Devil Fruit (True Name of Luffy’s Devil Fruit and Key to His Awakening)
    1. Features of polymers: elasticity/electricity insulator (rubber), strength (Kevlar), length (chain of monomers), conduct electricity (polypyrrole), flexible/low-friction that can reduce energy loss with controlled length, diameter and chemical properties (bottlebrush polymers), thermoset (permanent chemical bond) or thermoplastic (reshape), uniform (monodisperse)/non-uniform (polydisperse)
    2. Luffy’s Gears demonstrate the properties of vulcanized rubber (type of polymer): steam/pressure play a role in the vulcanization of rubber which improves elasticity and strength. Polymers are typically flammable, but carbon-based polymers resist combustion. The range of properties and the ability to alter properties that can be observed in polymers would make a polymer devil fruit the ultimate paramecia
    3. Elephants – Joy Boy (thought to have the same devil fruit as Luffy) has a special connection to the Elephant Zunesha. Interestingly the early stages of synthetic polymer technology included the creation of a polymer material to replace the ivory used for billiard balls and piano keys
    4. The will of D – (potential hint) in chemistry Đ referrs to either molecular mass or degree of polymerization. It is also used in Japanese handwriting to clearly distinguish it from the letter O or the digit 0.
    5. Dalton – not only an important character in the Drum Island Arc, Dalton is also a unit used to describe the molecular mass of polymers
    6. Potential names – yukai (fusion), godo (amalgamation), jugo (polymerization), bondo (bond). Godo Godo no Mi would make the most sense because it sounds the most like Gomu Gomu no Mi and to have a similar sounding attack would preserve Luffy’s signature vocal flair
    7. Awakening – Luffy’s awakened polymer powers have the potential to rival or exceed the power of Dr. Vegapunk’s unknown SSG invention as well as each of the marine admirals. One feature hinted at could be gigantifiication (sought by Ceaser Clown). Harnessing the powers of polymers (beyond rubber) and being able to phase into different ones or several at a time would mean Luffy could change into different shapes, resist water (Polycarbonate), resist cold (Polykeramoplast), resist heat (Polyetherimide), resist radiation (most polymers) or simultaneously conduct electricity and be insulated from it in different parts of his body. He could be a shield and a weapon at the same time and would be able to stretch farther and assume various stronger forms (even wings) all enhanced by his increasing mastery of Haki
    8. Space – When Luffy visited space for the celebration of 1000 chapters, we learned that the stretch of rubber not relative to gravity. When combining this with the other polymer properties Luffy could harness, he could be a formidable foe in land, water, and in Space practically without rival

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    Theory about burning oil made me remember luffy gear 2nd, when luffy made pumping movement does it look like a engine piston that burn oil ?, tankman (diesel engine), bounceman (standard car engine), snakeman (motorcycle engine). The portray was luffy as the engine and devil fruit was oil, niku was gasoline, and how engine work need more oxygen to made a biger combustion that is why luffy blow his body to make a biger engine works. And that is why luffy grow strong after eating (refueling) and made more attack after blow his hand (turbo). See how luffy used words (gear) = (engine gear). luffy was the engine.

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  13. より:

    ヒトヒトの実 モデル:ニカ(ゾオン系)が覚醒すると、獄卒獣みたいにその実のモデルになっている動物になるんですかね?(その時は獄卒獣のように鼻水垂れてる?)

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  15. より:

    What if Luffy's fruit is all type of devil fruit?

    So Far, Luffy was classified a PHARAMICIA type. But now using your theory that his Devil fruit is a Resin oil. From what i understand, heat helps him to reshape his body to snakeman, bounceman, elephant man etc. Looking at Resin oil texture, it can be classified as LOGIA type.

    Then, everyone is expecting that Luffy is the Sun God Nika or Sun Wu Kong. That it will be his awakening. So it can be Human Human fruit (model: Sun Wu Kong), which is a ZOAN type.

    By saying this, Luffy's devil fruit is an all type of fruits. That makes the government afraid from it.

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    正直CP 0の邪魔は冷めた

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  26. より:

    Can oil resist high voltage thunder? Why Luffy can resist Enel's thunder? Sorry, I'm not smart in science.
